Mahindra Powerol South African is a privately owned South African Company and is the sole distributor for OEM Mahindra Powerol headquartered in Pune, India, who has built generators for 23 years and operates in 42 different countries.
Yes. Every Mahindra Powerol comes with a 1 year or 1200 operational hours warrantee subject to certain conditions. With a routine maintenance contract, this can be extended to 8000 hours of 5 years with the Supershield option.
Yes. Mahindra Powerol SA has an agreement with United Technologies Financial Services to provide rental finance. Ask your dealer for how to arrange this finance at the time of purchase.
Mahindra Powerol silent generators are measured in accordance with international standards. The scale of measurement is logarithmic so for every 6dB decrease the sound becomes half as loud. Sound level measurement also drops by 6dB for every doubling of the distance from the source. So the sound level from a Mahindra Powerol generator could be compared to a TV set at low volume, or conversations in a restaurant, or one third of the volume of a standard food blender.