Mahindra Powerol in Pune, India invests heavily in its global partners and puts skills transfer high on its list of partner activities. Two technicians from Mahindra Powerol South Africa, Wally Malekane and Michael le Roux attended the latest Global Development Programme in Pune.
Said Mike: “We were welcomed in a very traditional manner and then were shown both theoretical and practical techniques of how to determine the root cause of common problems we experience in the field. “
Routine maintenance by skilled technicians is a key factor in the operational availability of diesel generators.
“We were able to share experiences with technical teams from many different dealer companies, from many different counties”, continued Mike.
In any of the 100 countries where Mahindra Powerol generators are sold, the machines come with a full maintenance service and a one year or 1200 hour warranty. The Global Development Programme is a key component in providing the superior level of service required to fulfil this commitment.
Maintenance is carried out only by qualified local technicians using genuine spare parts and in this way the local company lives up to its motto of providing customers with the ‘Power to Perform’.
It is a Mahindra policy wholly endorsed by Mike who concluded: “I personally give this Programme 10 out of 10 and will now be better equipped to elevate the skills level of local technicians at all our dealerships in South Africa”.